haddock package
haddock.topology module
Module containing the haddock Topology class and the command line interface.
- class haddock.topology.Topology(mol1_input_pdb_path: str, mol1_output_top_zip_path: str, mol2_input_pdb_path: str | None = None, mol2_output_top_zip_path: str | None = None, output_haddock_wf_data_zip: str | None = None, haddock_config_path: str | None = None, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs)[source]
biobb_haddock TopologyWrapper class for the Haddock Topology module.The Topology module. The Haddock Topology module creates a topology from a system to be used for docking.- Parameters:
mol1_input_pdb_path (str) – Path to the input PDB file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: pdb (edam:format_1476).
mol1_output_top_zip_path (str) –
Path to the output PDB file collection in zip format. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
mol2_input_pdb_path (str) (Optional) –
Path to the input PDB file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: pdb (edam:format_1476).
mol2_output_top_zip_path (str) (Optional) –
Path to the output PDB file collection in zip format. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
output_haddock_wf_data_zip (str) (Optional) –
Path to the output zipball containing all the current Haddock workflow data. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
haddock_config_path (str) (Optional) –
Haddock configuration CFG file path. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: cfg (edam:format_1476).
properties (dict - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –
cfg (dict) - ({}) Haddock configuration options specification.
binary_path (str) - (“haddock”) Path to the haddock haddock executable binary.
remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.
restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.
sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.
container_path (str) - (None) Path to the binary executable of your container.
container_image (str) - (None) Container Image identifier.
container_volume_path (str) - (“/data”) Path to an internal directory in the container.
container_working_dir (str) - (None) Path to the internal CWD in the container.
container_user_id (str) - (None) User number id to be mapped inside the container.
container_shell_path (str) - (“/bin/bash”) Path to the binary executable of the container shell.
This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:
from biobb_haddock.haddock.Topology import topology prop = { 'binary_path': 'haddock' } topology(mol1_input_pdb_path='/path/to/myStructure.pdb', mol1_output_top_zip_path='/path/to/topology.zip', properties=prop)
- Info:
- wrapped_software:
name: Haddock
version: 3.0.0
license: Apache-2.0
- ontology:
name: EDAM
schema: http://edamontology.org/EDAM.owl
- haddock.topology.topology(mol1_input_pdb_path: str, mol1_output_top_zip_path: str, mol2_input_pdb_path: str | None = None, mol2_output_top_zip_path: str | None = None, output_haddock_wf_data_zip: str | None = None, haddock_config_path: str | None = None, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int [source]
class and execute thelaunch()
haddock.capri_eval module
Module containing the haddock class and the command line interface.
- class haddock.capri_eval.CapriEval(input_haddock_wf_data_zip: str, output_evaluation_zip_path: str, reference_pdb_path: str | None = None, output_haddock_wf_data_zip: str | None = None, haddock_config_path: str | None = None, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs)[source]
biobb_haddock CapriEvalWrapper class for the Haddock CapriEval module.The CapriEval module. Haddock CapriEval module computes Capri evaluation for a docking.- Parameters:
input_haddock_wf_data_zip (str) –
Path to the input zipball containing all the current Haddock workflow data. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
output_evaluation_zip_path (str) –
Path to the output PDB file collection in zip format. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
reference_pdb_path (str) (Optional) –
Path to the input PDB file containing an structure for reference. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: pdb (edam:format_1476).
output_haddock_wf_data_zip (str) (Optional) –
Path to the output zipball containing all the current Haddock workflow data. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
haddock_config_path (str) (Optional) –
Haddock configuration CFG file path. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: cfg (edam:format_1476).
properties (dict - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –
cfg (dict) - ({}) Haddock configuration options specification.
binary_path (str) - (“haddock”) Path to the haddock haddock executable binary.
remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.
restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.
sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.
container_path (str) - (None) Path to the binary executable of your container.
container_image (str) - (None) Container Image identifier.
container_volume_path (str) - (“/data”) Path to an internal directory in the container.
container_working_dir (str) - (None) Path to the internal CWD in the container.
container_user_id (str) - (None) User number id to be mapped inside the container.
container_shell_path (str) - (“/bin/bash”) Path to the binary executable of the container shell.
This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:
from biobb_haddock.haddock.capri_eval import capri_eval prop = { 'binary_path': 'haddock' } capri_eval(input_haddock_wf_data_zip='/path/to/myworkflowdata.zip', output_evaluation_zip='/path/to/myevalfiles.zip', properties=prop)
- Info:
- wrapped_software:
name: Haddock
version: 3.0.0
license: Apache-2.0
- ontology:
name: EDAM
schema: http://edamontology.org/EDAM.owl
- haddock.capri_eval.capri_eval(input_haddock_wf_data_zip: str, output_evaluation_zip_path: str, reference_pdb_path: str | None = None, output_haddock_wf_data_zip: str | None = None, haddock_config_path: str | None = None, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int [source]
class and execute thelaunch()
haddock.clust_fcc module
Module containing the haddock class and the command line interface.
- class haddock.clust_fcc.ClustFCC(input_haddock_wf_data_zip: str, output_cluster_zip_path: str, output_haddock_wf_data_zip: str | None = None, haddock_config_path: str | None = None, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs)[source]
biobb_haddock ClustFCCWrapper class for the Haddock ClustFCC module.The ClustFCC module. Haddock ClustFCC module computes clusters of structures using FCC.- Parameters:
input_haddock_wf_data_zip (str) –
Path to the input zipball containing all the current Haddock workflow data. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
output_cluster_zip_path (str) –
Path to the output PDB file collection in zip format. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
output_haddock_wf_data_zip (str) (Optional) –
Path to the output zipball containing all the current Haddock workflow data. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
haddock_config_path (str) (Optional) –
Haddock configuration CFG file path. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: cfg (edam:format_1476).
properties (dict - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –
cfg (dict) - ({}) Haddock configuration options specification.
binary_path (str) - (“haddock”) Path to the haddock haddock executable binary.
remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.
restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.
sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.
container_path (str) - (None) Path to the binary executable of your container.
container_image (str) - (None) Container Image identifier.
container_volume_path (str) - (“/data”) Path to an internal directory in the container.
container_working_dir (str) - (None) Path to the internal CWD in the container.
container_user_id (str) - (None) User number id to be mapped inside the container.
container_shell_path (str) - (“/bin/bash”) Path to the binary executable of the container shell.
This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:
from biobb_haddock.haddock.clust_fcc import clust_fcc prop = { 'binary_path': 'haddock' } clust_fcc(input_haddock_wf_data_zip='/path/to/myworkflowdata.zip', output_evaluation_zip='/path/to/myevalfiles.zip', properties=prop)
- Info:
- wrapped_software:
name: Haddock
version: 3.0.0
license: Apache-2.0
- ontology:
name: EDAM
schema: http://edamontology.org/EDAM.owl
haddock.em_ref module
Module containing the haddock EMRef class and the command line interface.
- class haddock.em_ref.EMRef(input_haddock_wf_data_zip: str, refinement_output_zip_path: str, restraints_table_path: str | None = None, output_haddock_wf_data_zip: str | None = None, haddock_config_path: str | None = None, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs)[source]
biobb_haddock EMRefWrapper class for the Haddock EMRef module.The EMRef module. Haddock EMRef module computes an energy minimization refinement over selected structures.- Parameters:
input_haddock_wf_data_zip (str) –
Path to the input zipball containing all the current Haddock workflow data. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
refinement_output_zip_path (str) –
Path to the output PDB file collection in zip format. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
restraints_table_path (str) (Optional) –
Path to the input TBL file containing a list of restraints for docking. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: tbl (edam:format_2330).
output_haddock_wf_data_zip (str) (Optional) –
Path to the output zipball containing all the current Haddock workflow data. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
haddock_config_path (str) (Optional) –
Haddock configuration CFG file path. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: cfg (edam:format_1476).
properties (dict - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –
cfg (dict) - ({}) Haddock configuration options specification.
binary_path (str) - (“haddock”) Path to the haddock haddock executable binary.
remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.
restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.
sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.
container_path (str) - (None) Path to the binary executable of your container.
container_image (str) - (None) Container Image identifier.
container_volume_path (str) - (“/data”) Path to an internal directory in the container.
container_working_dir (str) - (None) Path to the internal CWD in the container.
container_user_id (str) - (None) User number id to be mapped inside the container.
container_shell_path (str) - (“/bin/bash”) Path to the binary executable of the container shell.
This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:
from biobb_haddock.haddock.em_ref import em_ref prop = { 'binary_path': 'haddock' } em_ref(input_haddock_wf_data_zip='/path/to/myworkflowdata.zip', refinement_output_zip_path='/path/to/mydockingstructures.zip', properties=prop)
- Info:
- wrapped_software:
name: Haddock
version: 3.0.0
license: Apache-2.0
- ontology:
name: EDAM
schema: http://edamontology.org/EDAM.owl
- haddock.em_ref.em_ref(input_haddock_wf_data_zip: str, refinement_output_zip_path: str, restraints_table_path: str | None = None, output_haddock_wf_data_zip: str | None = None, haddock_config_path: str | None = None, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int [source]
class and execute thelaunch()
haddock.flex_ref module
Module containing the haddock FlexRef class and the command line interface.
- class haddock.flex_ref.FlexRef(input_haddock_wf_data_zip: str, refinement_output_zip_path: str, restraints_table_path: str | None = None, output_haddock_wf_data_zip: str | None = None, haddock_config_path: str | None = None, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs)[source]
biobb_haddock FlexRefWrapper class for the Haddock FlexRef module.The FlexRef module. Haddock FlexRef module computes a flexible refinement over selected structures.- Parameters:
input_haddock_wf_data_zip (str) –
Path to the input zipball containing all the current Haddock workflow data. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
refinement_output_zip_path (str) –
Path to the output PDB file collection in zip format. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
restraints_table_path (str) (Optional) –
Path to the input TBL file containing a list of restraints for docking. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: tbl (edam:format_2330).
output_haddock_wf_data_zip (str) (Optional) –
Path to the output zipball containing all the current Haddock workflow data. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
haddock_config_path (str) (Optional) –
Haddock configuration CFG file path. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: cfg (edam:format_1476).
properties (dict - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –
cfg (dict) - ({}) Haddock configuration options specification.
binary_path (str) - (“haddock”) Path to the haddock haddock executable binary.
remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.
restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.
sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.
container_path (str) - (None) Path to the binary executable of your container.
container_image (str) - (None) Container Image identifier.
container_volume_path (str) - (“/data”) Path to an internal directory in the container.
container_working_dir (str) - (None) Path to the internal CWD in the container.
container_user_id (str) - (None) User number id to be mapped inside the container.
container_shell_path (str) - (“/bin/bash”) Path to the binary executable of the container shell.
This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:
from biobb_haddock.haddock.flex_ref import flex_ref prop = { 'binary_path': 'haddock' } flex_ref(input_haddock_wf_data_zip='/path/to/myworkflowdata.zip', refinement_output_zip_path='/path/to/mydockingstructures.zip', properties=prop)
- Info:
- wrapped_software:
name: Haddock
version: 3.0.0
license: Apache-2.0
- ontology:
name: EDAM
schema: http://edamontology.org/EDAM.owl
- haddock.flex_ref.flex_ref(input_haddock_wf_data_zip: str, refinement_output_zip_path: str, restraints_table_path: str | None = None, output_haddock_wf_data_zip: str | None = None, haddock_config_path: str | None = None, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int [source]
class and execute thelaunch()
haddock.rigid_body module
Module containing the haddock RigidBody class and the command line interface.
- class haddock.rigid_body.RigidBody(input_haddock_wf_data_zip: str, docking_output_zip_path: str, ambig_restraints_table_path: str | None = None, unambig_restraints_table_path: str | None = None, hb_restraints_table_path: str | None = None, output_haddock_wf_data_zip: str | None = None, haddock_config_path: str | None = None, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs)[source]
biobb_haddock RigidBodyWrapper class for the Haddock RigidBody module.The RigidBody module. Haddock RigidBody module compute rigid body docking between two molecules.- Parameters:
input_haddock_wf_data_zip (str) –
Path to the input zipball containing all the current Haddock workflow data. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
docking_output_zip_path (str) –
Path to the output PDB file collection in zip format. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
ambig_restraints_table_path (str) (Optional) –
Path to the input TBL file containing a list of ambiguous restraints for docking. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: tbl (edam:format_2330).
unambig_restraints_table_path (str) (Optional) –
Path to the input TBL file containing a list of unambiguous restraints for docking. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: tbl (edam:format_2330).
hb_restraints_table_path (str) (Optional) –
Path to the input TBL file containing a list of hydrogen bond restraints for docking. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: tbl (edam:format_2330).
output_haddock_wf_data_zip (str) (Optional) –
Path to the output zipball containing all the current Haddock workflow data. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
haddock_config_path (str) (Optional) –
Haddock configuration CFG file path. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: cfg (edam:format_1476).
properties (dict - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –
cfg (dict) - ({}) Haddock configuration options specification.
binary_path (str) - (“haddock”) Path to the haddock haddock executable binary.
remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.
restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.
sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.
container_path (str) - (None) Path to the binary executable of your container.
container_image (str) - (None) Container Image identifier.
container_volume_path (str) - (“/data”) Path to an internal directory in the container.
container_working_dir (str) - (None) Path to the internal CWD in the container.
container_user_id (str) - (None) User number id to be mapped inside the container.
container_shell_path (str) - (“/bin/bash”) Path to the binary executable of the container shell.
This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:
from biobb_haddock.haddock.rigid_body import rigid_body prop = { 'binary_path': 'haddock' } rigid_body(input_haddock_wf_data_zip='/path/to/myworkflowdata.zip', docking_output_zip_path='/path/to/mydockingstructures.zip', properties=prop)
- Info:
- wrapped_software:
name: Haddock
version: 3.0.0
license: Apache-2.0
- ontology:
name: EDAM
schema: http://edamontology.org/EDAM.owl
- haddock.rigid_body.rigid_body(input_haddock_wf_data_zip: str, docking_output_zip_path: str, ambig_restraints_table_path: str | None = None, unambig_restraints_table_path: str | None = None, hb_restraints_table_path: str | None = None, output_haddock_wf_data_zip: str | None = None, haddock_config_path: str | None = None, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int [source]
class and execute thelaunch()
haddock.sele_top_clusts module
Module containing the haddock class and the command line interface.
- class haddock.sele_top_clusts.SeleTopClusts(input_haddock_wf_data_zip: str, output_selection_zip_path: str, reference_pdb_path: str | None = None, output_haddock_wf_data_zip: str | None = None, haddock_config_path: str | None = None, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs)[source]
biobb_haddock SeleTopClustsWrapper class for the Haddock SeleTopClusts module https://www.bonvinlab.org/haddock3/modules/analysis/seletopclusts.html.The SeleTopClusts module. Haddock SeleTopClusts module selects the top clusters of a docking.- Parameters:
input_haddock_wf_data_zip (str) –
Path to the input zipball containing all the current Haddock workflow data. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
output_selection_zip_path (str) –
Path to the output PDB file collection in zip format. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
output_haddock_wf_data_zip (str) (Optional) –
Path to the output zipball containing all the current Haddock workflow data. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
haddock_config_path (str) (Optional) –
Haddock configuration CFG file path. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: cfg (edam:format_1476).
properties (dict - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –
cfg (dict) - ({}) Haddock configuration options specification.
binary_path (str) - (“haddock”) Path to the haddock haddock executable binary.
remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.
restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.
sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.
container_path (str) - (None) Path to the binary executable of your container.
container_image (str) - (None) Container Image identifier.
container_volume_path (str) - (“/data”) Path to an internal directory in the container.
container_working_dir (str) - (None) Path to the internal CWD in the container.
container_user_id (str) - (None) User number id to be mapped inside the container.
container_shell_path (str) - (“/bin/bash”) Path to the binary executable of the container shell.
This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:
from biobb_haddock.haddock.sele_top_clusts import sele_top_clusts prop = { 'binary_path': 'haddock' } sele_top_clusts(input_haddock_wf_data_zip='/path/to/myworkflowdata.zip', output_evaluation_zip='/path/to/myevalfiles.zip', properties=prop)
- Info:
- wrapped_software:
name: Haddock
version: 3.0.0
license: Apache-2.0
- ontology:
name: EDAM
schema: http://edamontology.org/EDAM.owl
- haddock.sele_top_clusts.sele_top_clusts(input_haddock_wf_data_zip: str, output_selection_zip_path: str, output_haddock_wf_data_zip: str | None = None, haddock_config_path: str | None = None, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int [source]
class and execute thelaunch()
haddock.sele_top module
Module containing the haddock class and the command line interface.
- class haddock.sele_top.SeleTop(input_haddock_wf_data_zip: str, output_selection_zip_path: str, reference_pdb_path: str | None = None, output_haddock_wf_data_zip: str | None = None, haddock_config_path: str | None = None, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs)[source]
biobb_haddock SeleTopWrapper class for the Haddock SeleTop module https://www.bonvinlab.org/haddock3/modules/analysis/seletop.htmlThe SeleTop module. Haddock SeleTop module selects the top models of a docking.- Parameters:
input_haddock_wf_data_zip (str) –
Path to the input zipball containing all the current Haddock workflow data. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
output_selection_zip_path (str) –
Path to the output PDB file collection in zip format. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
output_haddock_wf_data_zip (str) (Optional) –
Path to the output zipball containing all the current Haddock workflow data. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).
haddock_config_path (str) (Optional) –
Haddock configuration CFG file path. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: cfg (edam:format_1476).
properties (dict - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –
cfg (dict) - ({}) Haddock configuration options specification.
binary_path (str) - (“haddock”) Path to the haddock haddock executable binary.
remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.
restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.
sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.
container_path (str) - (None) Path to the binary executable of your container.
container_image (str) - (None) Container Image identifier.
container_volume_path (str) - (“/data”) Path to an internal directory in the container.
container_working_dir (str) - (None) Path to the internal CWD in the container.
container_user_id (str) - (None) User number id to be mapped inside the container.
container_shell_path (str) - (“/bin/bash”) Path to the binary executable of the container shell.
This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:
from biobb_haddock.haddock.sele_top import sele_top prop = { 'binary_path': 'haddock' } sele_top(input_haddock_wf_data_zip='/path/to/myworkflowdata.zip', output_evaluation_zip='/path/to/myevalfiles.zip', properties=prop)
- Info:
- wrapped_software:
name: Haddock
version: 3.0.0
license: Apache-2.0
- ontology:
name: EDAM
schema: http://edamontology.org/EDAM.owl